RServer Forums

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App for mod/op
1. How do you think you can contribute to the community? I will try to help keep everyone happy and having fun. And I will invite people to the server.

2.How long have you been around RServer? I have been around for about 4-5 months.

3.What games do u play? I play Minecraft, Call Of Duty and my phone.

4.How old are you? I will be 15 next month.

5.What do you think could be improved about the community/server(s)? I think I like the server just the way it is. But some more mini games would be nice.
I think your application is good but maybe expand on the first question.
Thank you for posting your application it is currently

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RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.