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Staff Application
27-05-2020, 04:19 AM
Last post by enve14
Rserver RP
11-12-2018, 12:39 PM
Last post by EdisonLey
Random Screenshots
28-04-2018, 01:25 PM
Last post by Vanderhoff
unban repeal
09-04-2018, 12:24 AM
Last post by The Jman
Minecraft Photography Thr...
28-02-2018, 08:30 AM
Last post by Martello
Unban appeal (InYour_Spot...
03-01-2018, 07:59 AM
Last post by InYour_Spotlight
Hello Again!
04-12-2017, 11:12 PM
Last post by The Jman
UnBan Me Marcus
07-10-2017, 01:13 AM
Last post by JustCass
08-08-2017, 11:55 AM
Last post by Marcus
Ban Appeal Template
08-08-2017, 11:17 AM
Last post by Marcus

  Staff Application
Posted by: enve14 - 27-05-2020, 04:19 AM - Forum: General Forum - No Replies

What rank do you want to be and why?
 I want to be a moderator but whatever I get I'll use it to help the server and its people! And thats also why I want it. I live stream with a moderator on the server, and we get new members so the rank is a way to help them and others on the server.

How long have you been playing on the server(s)?
More than a month.

What do other members think of you?
Other members say I am sweet, kind and smart. I also have a staff member who has given me permission to use them as proof that I would be a good staff member. This staff member is a moderator named cavilog. They also go by winterclient/gliavoc.

What would you do to improve the community/server(s)?
I'll be around to help the players, watch them for exploits/hacks but generally ill be an active staff member that's around to help the people in the server to have an amazing time. Also, I will help stop wolfram and winter from spamming chats with hugs!!!!!!!!!

What games do you play other than Minecraft?
Other than minecraft I play games like. Skyrim, and GTA5. But my go to game if you may is minecraft.

How old/mature are you? i ain't no ageist
I am currently 16. I am very mature for my age.

How often do you play on the server(s)?
Everyday 3-4 hrs a day.

Do you have Steam? If so, what is your username?

I know this is not needed, but I would also like to say that I have previously been staff on another server, I was staff for about 2 and a half years I started as a helper and went from helper-moderator-admin and when I left I was about to send in a staff promotion letter. The reason why I am not staff on that server is because of a mistake on their end! I had sent an absence post due to having irl issues at the time and I said I would be off for about 2 weeks. And then 3 days later I got demoted for inactivity stating I was offline for months. But during that time I have learned the fine line between being strict and being kind i've dealt with a lot of hard choices from having to ban a friend to having to put out punishments I did not agree with,  but I have past those stages, so saying that I think no I know I would be a great asset to the team by the fact that I have experience.                      By. -enve14 in reference to my staff application. thanks for viewing Smile

  unban repeal
Posted by: TheMainMike - 09-04-2018, 12:20 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

i was banned apx 4 minutes ago id like an unban thanks

jeef banned me

for spem

yeah i think i learned my lesson

  Unban appeal (InYour_Spotlight)
Posted by: InYour_Spotlight - 03-01-2018, 07:59 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - No Replies

Why were you banned? mine-cart creative grief

Who banned you?  Jman

Why would you like to be unbanned? i have no other servers that are fun and i miss my pets i have no friends online anymore and i wanna see my old friends

Plead your case: i was mad cause of one of the people who were bullying me (forgot there name) and i haven't been on for a long time and i want to return it was an amazing server and i regret doing it  Sad  i won't do it again i just wanna see spotty and meet up with cheetahz if she still plays

Big Grin Hello Again!
Posted by: SirBacon - 30-11-2017, 06:51 PM - Forum: General Forum - Replies (1)

Hello Again RServer!

Long time no see! Some people see me on and off this server here and there sometimes, its because being a senior in high school is no joke, haha, college apps, college scholarships, just schoolwork, and most of all, a job. I wish I can rejoin the community that this server has made, it has grew a lot since I have last been on, I wanted to start this thread to get to know what has gone on the server since my leaving, and get to know new players and other fun stories that has happen! I miss this server so much and want to see how everyone is doing! Also, ask me anything, I will be sure to answer any questions!

I miss you all! - Tag (AKA Tagliabue AKA SirBacon)

Question UnBan Me Marcus
Posted by: JustCass - 07-10-2017, 01:13 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - No Replies


Why were you banned?I Believe it Was For Griefing

Who banned you?

Why would you like to be unbanned?
Ive Learned my lesson and wont grief again and jeff told me to appeal and I feel bad and am sorry for what I did and I will never do it again  I wasent thinking when I did it and I greifed a good friend and I feel really guilty and bad for what I did and I'm very sorry

Posted by: CheeseEeeeeeee - 08-08-2017, 11:42 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Why were you banned?

Who Banned you?

Why would you like to be unbanned?
because if not i loose all faith in humanity and will probs never play minecraft again seeing as this is the only server i play on besides CS witch is still in development and nobody but me and bean get on 2 work on survival

Plead your case:
1. my only hacking client that worked on 1.11 and up was impact 1.11.2 which had a broken xray
2. i haven't had any other offences in hacking EVER
3. my rescourse pack file is empty
4. u have no other evidence, witnesses, or pictures of me using xray
5. you cant say a mine from a month ago is more evidence than this and technically this is my 1st time being accused and banned for hacking

Finally ? jeff

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

  Ban Appeal Template
Posted by: Marcus - 08-08-2017, 11:17 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - No Replies

Use this template for ban appeals, fill in the blank spaces:

Why were you banned?

Who banned you?

Why would you like to be unbanned?

Plead your case:

  Appeal for Sniveling and FactionCharm
Posted by: Sniveling - 24-03-2017, 10:28 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - No Replies

Dear Owner,
                    I have been ip banned for griefing. This was 2 years ago, so I don't remember this clearly. I will just admit to it even if I didn't grief. I am sorry. On FactionCharm, I was unfairly banned. I was talking to the members of Rserver and was banned. I had no idea why. I am requesting a unban and hopefully you will agree with me.

  Random Screenshots
Posted by: HopefulPhoenix - 05-03-2017, 10:33 PM - Forum: General Forum - Replies (2)

So uh, I'm just gonna leave all these screenshots here, and i did take all of these over the past, I dunno, 1-5 months.

*Note: Some of these go as evidence for someone's ban, and this post is not going against anyone at all. This is simply helping me keep record without losing space and for, uh, entertainment purposes? I will make a separate post if if feel like this "evidence" needs to be used, for now i will compile a lot more screenshots ;D

  1.11 Superthread
Posted by: Marcus - 27-01-2017, 10:33 PM - Forum: Announcements & Info - Replies (4)

Post shit about 1.11 here.
This could include bugs, reports, whatever.

RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.