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Need Help, Server Outdated For Me! ;-;
Hey guys, finally back after a long time, been gone due to my last computer's hard drive frying up into a crisp, but anyways, I'm in my brand new gaming PC (custom built) and I downloaded MC, and RServer is outdated... Anyway to fix this, or do I have to wait for RServer to be at 1.11? Please halp
SirBacon, The server's Crispy Morning Food Big Grin
The server is at 1.10 right now. You can switch to the version of 1.10 and then join RServer! I hope this helps you. Big Grin
Mineplex and Hypickle are the servers I will mostly go on! Smile
Yeah like Holm said just switch the version to 1.10 in the launcher and you'll be able to join
[Image: XG3GWqF.png]
1.10.2. not 1.10 ;D
Well you can join with either so it really doesn't matter
[Image: XG3GWqF.png]

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RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.