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Banned For Advertising?
Dear Staff Team, 9/9/16
Hi, I would like to be unbanned for advertising.

Banned Me: Jeffree225
Time: 00:00:00:
Why: I want to be unbanned because advertising isn't that bad. I said "Come Join!"

P.S. Jeff is Evil. #GoPugArmy

Mineplex and Hypickle are the servers I will mostly go on! Smile
Are you still banned? I know this is a matter for staff, but I'm curious. Also, #GoPugArmy
Is this ban still in place?
It's a joke, Im not actually making a ban appeal. Jeff only kicked me
Mineplex and Hypickle are the servers I will mostly go on! Smile
Ok well, don't be pissing about with this stuff.

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RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.