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We were there..... By Drew and X
Note:This is a random post so if your here for serious things go to Reddit. Other than that enjoy....

So we've been here for a while. Wanna know how long we've been here? Well we've been here for about 1.3 years and here is a brief history of RServer's past.

We were there............. Nearly after when the server began. We were there................ when A lot of operators you know and love today were not operators, and before our very eyes they became operators. We were also there................. when there was no moderators. An example of that is magicboy, as he was a default with us a while ago and became mod. We were there......................... before Jeffree went crazy. We were there.......................... when a bunch of operators were coming into RServer. We were there....................... When G-Mod was their previous game they had a server for. We were NOT there............................... in their G-Mod server however they told us about it. We were there....................... when /warp oldspawn didn't exist and didn't even have a shop. We were there..................... as one of the first defaults and definitely the longest defaults on the server. I was there........... Before X was there about a week before he came. We were there............... before the very first Christmas on RServer. We were there......................... When the 1.7 terrain warp in the old spawn actually worked for a very short amount of time. We were there.......... When a lot of plugins you know and love today actually wasn't there. It was very different back in the old RServer. We were there....................... when a lot of people were on RServer you never knew about that never returned. It was very similar to the RServer we know and love today, but people used to come and go. We were there....... before Sonic Generations so Drew wasn't Sanic back then xD. We were THE ONES............... to help build a spawn you may have never known about (Mostly Drew). We were there................... when currency didn't work. WE were there, before a lot of magical items and things that Jeffree do to this day never even existed. In fact for a long time, they really didn't exist. The first thing that really came around was the magical crafting bench and a couple of small things, and then a few elemental items (defaults and newer people would understand). And Finally...... WE WERE THERE...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................*breath*............................................................................................................................................................................................before potatoes were a huge thing on RServer. Tis was a very sad time before the RServer you know and love today. Think of it as the Dark Ages, but it is such a reality. Anyways theres a brief history of what it was like before pretty much everything you know about RServer today happened. This was the RServer before you knew it. Most of the things we are pretty sure other people don't really know about. And trust us, we know when everyone came, and most of these things happened between the first 1 week-4 months of us being on RServer, which is when the earliest people came (Katie, Dark, and other people who aren't active to this day). Hope you enjoyed. Wink
I'm Everywhere...... but Nowhere..... Wink
Thanks for this, was a good read. So much history. That time around a year ago was weird, where pretty much all of the people of RServer today joined nearly at once
[Image: XG3GWqF.png]
I remember the GMod days, much fun with all the new people. Its an honour to know all of you in this community.

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RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.