RServer Forums

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Application <3
1. How do you think you could contribute to the community?
I can help newbies, guide them around maybe, and I'll probably be on a lot because I love this server, but not during the school year (First Middle School year) but I'll try to make time for it.

2. How long have you been around RServer?
A week maybe. I know, newbie much, but I've learned a lot about this server.

3. What games do you play?
Minecraft, The Sims 3, Spore, VFK, and a couple others I don't remember at the moment.

4. How old are you?
I'm 10 years old, but pretty smart and mature.

5. Do you get along with other members of the RServer?
Yes! I absolutely Heart the RServer community! I've met a lot of people and they have been very nice to me!

6. What do you think could be improved about the community/server(s)?
Maybe more mini-games, factions, a bigger spawn with small activities maybe?

Extra Information:
I skipped 2nd grade, so that is why I am in middle school early. I'm not too serious unless it's a serious matter. Tongue

I hope you think about making me staff!

Thank you!
It was a good application until you said you have been around for a week. Unfortunately I'm going to have to say I don't think you will be ready for moderator and you will need to gain more time on the server. I hope you understand that moderator requires experienced players and people who truly seem loyal to the server that have been around for at least a month or so.

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RServer was founded back in early 2013 with the old name, RatedServer, by Rated. Since then the server has grown into a fairly lively community with many regular players on the Minecraft server, and a Steam group with over 100 members.