I'm Back! Ish - BlueMonkeyz - 08-01-2017
Well, i have recently resigned from my position in another ArmA community that i had to help out with, otherwise it would've died, so, with that being said i have decided to try and dedicate some time into RServer and its future progressions for 2017.
Nice and short return message, i like to keep things short and sweet.
Thanks, and i'm glad to be back.
RE: I'm Back! Ish - Marcus - 08-01-2017
Welcome back
RE: I'm Back! Ish - HopefulPhoenix - 08-01-2017
*throws confetti*
Welcome back Blue! :3
RE: I'm Back! Ish - TheMainMike - 09-01-2017
wb m88.
+100 dank points